Monday, October 17, 2011

iPhones for Mommy & Daddy

I have never really had an urge to get an iPhone, but for some reason we got one. So the truth is that I love having a keyboard. I had a Treo from 2003 until 2008 and really had no intention of getting rid of it. But, the Sprint store talked me into something a little more with the times, ha. I guess I can be a creature of habit from time to time. I have a Samsung Moment for the past three years and I've really liked it. Touch screen, pull out keyboard, and it seemed to do everything I needed. Recently, it has been acting up and I've had the urge to change, but again I just get into my same old routine. We've been sitting on our upgrades for months now and decided that we've finally could both use some new phones, but we didn't quite have an idea of what. Then Sprint announced they were getting iPhones which was big news. So we thought, why not. The iPhone 4S is supposed to be the latest and greatest introducing Siri (talking assistant) and iCloud. I pre-ordered on the first day about 4am and it wasn't long that the pre-orders were sold out. There were no guarantees when we'd get our devices, but we weren't in a huge hurry. Except our excitement of course. Luckily, we were one of the first and we received ours the first day available. I have to admit, it has been a few days since I've had mine and I absolutely love it. Even if it doesn't have a keyboard where I can feel the individual buttons. I know Chris likes his too. So Mommy and Daddy have new toys! hee hee

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