Saturday, October 22, 2011

6 Month Doctor Appointment for Baby #2

I had my 6 month doctor's appointment on Wednesday and had to take Tia with me. By now, she had been to the doctor quite a few times and almost every time she had shots given to her which she hates. I didn't even think that she'd react when we walked in because I knew this was for me and baby #2, not her. But as soon as the nurse came in to take my blood pressure, Tia started freaking out. She went into this scared cry as if the nurse was going to give her some shots. I kept saying, 'Tia's this is for mommy, not you', but she didn't care. After the blood pressure was taken, the nurse walked out. We waited for the doctor for quite some time and Tia just sat on my lap like a good little girl distracted by the iPad. Then the doctor came in and he snuck in because he had heard how Tia reacted to the nurse. We chatted a bit and he said, we'll let's listen to the heartbeat. When I tried to put Tia on the chair, she screamed out with the scared cry again. We were trying to tell her that this was not for her, but she didn't believe us. So I just pulled up my shirt and the doctor put the instrument on my belly and we heard the amazing sound of baby Norris #2's heartbeat. Tia was still crying, but not as hard. I could tell she wasn't sure what was going on. Then it was time to leave and Tia was saying bye to everyone. I think she was happy to get out of there. I guess it is safe to assume that we are going to have a hard time with her at her 2 year appointment - oh boy.

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