Monday, October 17, 2011

Family Weekend

We had a great weekend with my mom, Ray, and my little sister Sam. My mom and her husband were supposed to leave Saturday for OH where my step-dad has his last contract job in the U.S. before they go to Thailand. However, my mom decided to stay behind one week to finalize finances from the sale of their house and say some final goodbyes in St. Louis. So Ray left Saturday and made his way to Toledo. I was able to get my mom's AWESOME Thai beef noodle soup on Friday night. We had a family dinner and it was, as Chris would say, 'Glorious'. Then since she stayed on Saturday, she cooked us her spaghetti too. I was able to get that recipe too. So she plans to cook this week some of her other dishes and I can't wait to get these recipes so I have them. My little sister came home from college to spend the weekend with us. I think it was great for her to get quality time with Tia. They seemed to bond quickly and were just loving each other. So I have my mom here for one more week. She'll head to Toledo and probably come in a couple times in the next months until Baby Norris #2 is born. Then they'll be off to Thailand. If flight prices go down, she could go earlier but we'll see. It is nice having her around.

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