Friday, December 31, 2010

What a Great Year!

Words just can't describe how blessed I feel today.  I look back on 2010 and think, Wow...what a wonderful year!  With the new arrival of baby girl Tia, I became a new mom and enjoyed all the blessings and surprises that comes along with motherhood. I've been able to watch Tia grow from a tiny 6 lb 8 oz baby to an almost 20 lb one year old. I have laughed, cried, been more worried that I can describe, and the most thankful I've ever been in my entire life.  She is a true miracle and I love that I get to be her mom!  Of course, we all know that I'm married to the perfect man for me. Chris has not only been an amazing husband (as always), but he has really proven that he is meant to be a father.  He stands out from the crowd on fatherhood and I am not just saying that...I have heard numerous people say the very same thing from family and friends to nurses and teachers. I can attest that it is very true.  Chris is an amazing father.  There was a point when I thought he was even more exited about my pregnancy that I was and for me, that was hard to think that anyone could be more excited.  He talked to my belly every night, he was there for every sonogram, he wanted a piece of every decision made. From the moment Tia was born to today, he has stepped up and done his fair share of duties when it comes to parenting.  I have had a crazy busy year and Chris has been there to care for Tia and know what she needs.  I can honestly say that we both have our touch in certain areas and his is truly putting her to bed.  I used to love rocking her to bed, but now that she's grown a bit, he is the go-to person for bedtime.  I love that!  We have helped and taught each other about parenting but the best thing is that we've grown closer because of it.  We made a pact when we got pregnant. That Chris and Angie would be #1 and our kids would be #2.  Of course, we will love our kids to no end, but we will not let our kids come between us in our marriage.  We will make decisions together, be on the same page with parenting views, and talk about things with each other.  I have seen many friends go through marriages where the kids put a wedge between the mom and dad and only because it seems natural to do anything you can for your kids...not even realizing how it affects your marriage.  Of course, it is always easier said than done, but our pact is going strong and although my love for Tia is greater than I could have ever imagined, I want it to impact my love for Chris in a positive and nurturing way.  So we will strive to uphold our pact for all of our kids (wink wink) and ensure our foundation of our marriage is strong so our kids can have a happy home.  Chris and I are both from divorced families and I think we both can agree that we don't mind it at all. We are who we are because of our family growing up and we both feel that you live life one time and should ensure you make it right whether that is getting divorced or working through things.  I am divorced and had it not been for marrying my ex, I would have never met Chris.  I believe everything happens for a reason and I thank God every day that my life is the way it is by design.

Chris and I worked hard to get our house on the market this year and it has been up for over 4 months now.  We have so many showings to count and all have the same result, 'home is like a show home, but not a fan of the backyard'.  We've been told we are doing everything right and the right buyer will come along at some point. What makes it difficult is keeping the house clean every day with a baby around.  We have our house in show condition meaning, we have glass tables, iron wine racks, glass, and really an un-baby proofed house. We do have a play gate for Tia so she has room to play with her toys, but we have done our best to keep the house as tidy as we can for our over 40 showings.  Today, we may have a breakthrough and I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that it may be the person we've been waiting for. The girl scheduled to see the house today is for the second time and is a very serious buyer. She had two houses she has settled on and needs daddy's approval, so she is bringing him buy later today.  If all goes well, we may have an offer! But even if she isn't the right one, I have a good feeling it will be sooner than later and our persistence will pay off. The reason we want to move is first and foremost, location.  I work in Chesterfield and my commute with dropping Tia off at school is about an hour and 15 minutes on a good day and longer when traffic is horrible.  By the time we get home at night it is 6:30pm or 7pm and we feed, bath, and play with Tia and put her to bed. It will be 8pm or so by that time and often we forget to eat.  I have to go to bed pretty early so I can get up at 5:30am to get the day started and me and Tia out the door. It would be nice to get some more time with my family back.  The other reason is that we are an expanding family and soon (we hope), we'll need more room.  Our 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is perfect for us right now and if we could just pick it up and move it to a better location, we would...but for the long term, we need a slightly bigger home. Soon enough and hopefully some time in 2011, we'll have the house sold and onto another place to call home.

All of you know that I have the best friends any girl can ever ask for.  I moved around a lot when I was younger and so it was a bit hard to have solid friends through childhood, because of college I have three of the most amazing girls who are still close with me today, and then when I moved to St. Louis I had to find new friends.  It has taken about 10 years to really find the girls who have been there through it all and have stood by me through thick and thin.  I am truly blessed for you girls and you all know who you are!!! Of course, I do have to say that Lisa, my BFF, has really been there for me the past couple years and of course she knows why I'm so grateful,  my life is much better because she is in it. I do have to give a shout out to Lisa and Leslie for really surprising me earlier this year. I have really never been surprised with anything in my entire life - I blame myself! But they pulled something off earlier this year and I smile every day thinking about it!  Thanks girls - you two rock!  Of course, there are about 5 or 6 other girls that I rely on. Some who I get to see all the time and others who I talk to once in a blue moon but we are close as ever.  Thank you girls for another wonderful year!  Needless to say, Chris knows where he stands and I love our friendship.

When I came back from maternity leave, I really decided to dive into my work life.  I have always been a go-getter in the business arena and have excelled in all of my positions. After working for A.G. Edwards for 5 years and Spartech for 3, I landed at Technology Partners, Inc. where I've been for almost 5 years now. I love what I do, I love the people work with, and the people I work for. I wanted to be with a company I believe in and have the ability to be creative, as well as have decision making power and I'm able to wear many hats at work.  This year I've focused on my Marketing Manager and Corporate Communications Manager roles, but seasonally I have been the Hiring Manager for 4 years now.  Earlier this year, I gave up my Tech Support Manager role to focus on other things and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being needed in so many different areas and am looking forward to continuing my growth at Technology Partners.  I did score my very own private office fully furnished with a brand new desk, credenza, and filing cabinet.  I was also able to attend the Women's Business Enterprise National On other work related endeavors, I signed up as an independent consultant for Thirty-One Gifts in May.  I came across the faith based company through Tia's daycare and I fell in love with the products.  I initially signed up to get the discounts, but some how started selling and made almost $5000 in extra cash for our family.  It was a nice bonus to our savings for a few extra hours a week of time. I have met so many wonderful girls through Thirty-One and have a lot of fun.  Professionally, I signed up for several organizations including the National Association of Professional Women.  In June, I became the first President of the St. Louis Chapter of the National Association of Professional Women. I have been working hard to launch this chapter and with several monthly meetings under our belt and our Board of Director elections in January, we are off to a great start.  I've always been an entrepreneurial spirit and my first official business is the Halloween Bus Party. Even though it is a party event, I made it a Limited Liability Company in 2003 and celebrated 10 years of successful events in 2009. With the arrival of Tia, I felt my urge to focus on family more than the social events and sold the Halloween Bus Party to another person.  I did not attend the HBP 2010, but was happy to hear it was another success by the new owner and organizer. 

There is so much more that happened in 2010 and for all of it, I am grateful for the new experiences, fun times, and good people.  I am looking forward to a great 2011 and I wish everyone a safe New Year's Eve and wonderful beginning to another year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tia doing the Ape Walk

At Tia's first birthday party, I had her in a embroidered pillowcase dress that had a cupcake with Tia's name on it.  She didn't like it so much because she wasn't able to crawl around very easily. We had to pull it back and put it in a rubber band so she could crawl freely.  On Christmas, we put her in  Christmas dress (that was darling) and it didn't take her long to figure out how to crawl. Chris called it the ape crawl because she would keep her legs straight and crawl on all fours like an ape.  It was soooo hysterical. Then, we felt bad, so we pulled the dress back and pulled it back in a rubber band so she could crawl easier and she still would crawl with her legs straight out and her butt way up in the air.  Too funny. It was an hour or so before she figured out that her knees hit the ground and she didn't need to crawl like that. But I have to admit, it made me laugh out loud every time. She is so darling and she doesn't even know it yet!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tia is Loved

Tia has so much to be thankful for and she probably doesn't really realize it quite yet, but she will.  With her first birthday and Christmas, she had so many friends and family give her nice toys, clothes, money, and other gifts.  It is so nice having such a wonderful network of people who love and care for Tia!  Her daycare is also a haven where she is very much cared for and the teachers all love her too.  When we walk in every morning, they all say hi, talk to her, and sometimes when they hold her, I see them kissing her too.  I love that they feel close to her and can love on her.  Her teacher Ms. Lesa is so sweet and made her a blanket that says Tia for Christmas. It is super cute and is a patchwork style blanket. We love blankets at home and I can't wait to get it washed and usable.  Ms. Lesa made her a cute Halloween bag that had her name embroidered on it too.  Most of you all know that I love making and creating gifts and it is always nice to see others who have that same aspiration. Although, Tia may not remember her first teachers, I hope that by reading this blog, she'll be able to feel like she remembers how much she was loved her first year of life!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Take me There...

The latest gesture that Tia does that makes me laugh is she extends her arm out and points with all of her fingers where she wants you to take her. It is so cute. It is like she is raising her hand like you would in a class, but instead she is aiming it towards whatever object she wants you to take her to.  If she wants you to take her to the stairs, she'll point that way. It if is an object, she'll point (with all of her fingers) to the object. To food, to people, to places. It is so darn cute!  I just love it!  She had all of her family taking her all over the place no matter what house or venue we were celebrating. She was in control and loved telling whomever what and where to take her.  She's a little girl that knows what she wants and has no problem telling you what it is (does that sound familiar?).  I just love her so much.

Her First McDonald's

Now that Tia is one and the doctor says she can eat anything except nuts. I wanted her to have her first Happy Meal from McDonald's. I got her a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal ($2.40 in 2010) and cut up the nuggets into bite size pieces, cut the french fries in half, and watched Tia go to town. She did so well and you could tell she loved it!  I let her sip on some orange soda and she loved the toys too. She received a tiny stuffed animal that was a puppy. She would put it on the ground and lay her head down on it giving it some love. It was darling.  I loved watching her have her first of many happy meals.  It won't be that often, but I know throughout her childhood it will be many many times she wants Micky D's for meals.

The Holidays were a Blast!

Our holiday season was a blast and was six days full of family gatherings from Aunt Jenny's to The Norris gathering to Katma's to the Gulledge gathering and down to Ste Gen.  Tia got a lot gifts and got a lot of money for her savings account.  We ate a lot and although the three of us were somewhat under the weather, we had a great time at every gathering.  Tia did very well. She acted shy during the Thanksgiving holidays, but for Christmas, she went to everyone willingly.  She had a blast and was her happy little self. It is amazing how big she has gotten. I don't realize how big she is until I see someone else holding her. Then I think, 'wow, that's my little girl!'

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tia's One Year Doc Appt

Tia went to the doctor yesterday for her one  year check-up.  She weighs 19 lbs and 3.5 ozs which is in the 20% percentile. Doc said not to worry though because she is a highly active baby and her metabolism is super high. Her height is 29.25 inches which is in the 55%.  Everything looks great and she got her shots as well. I wasn't able to be there so daddy had to watch her get them. I think it is by far one of the most painful things to see.  He said she did great and was a trooper. When she woke up from her nap later she was really bubbly and playful. She even walked to Daddy several times!  So we are going to start whole milk and now that she can eat anything, we'll probably try some other foods in the near future.  She is a great eater and loves her chicken and turkey sticks. She eats a lot of baby food veggies. She LOVES mac-n-cheese and yogurt. Of course, she loves icing and cookies too.  I think she is going to be a chocolate girl and every time the girl spots food, she starts her pac-man sounds with her mouth. She must have some good eyes too because this morning, at daycare, she spotted other kids eating cereal across the room. The teacher and I both had to look twice to see it.  She instantly started doing her pac-man sounds and wanted some too.  She loves food!!! But I'm happy to hear that she is doing great and right on the mark.  She is definitely growing like a weed and hitting so many milestones.  The next few days with Christmas festivities, I'm sure she'll hit some more milestones. I need to introduce her to my Granny's mash potatoes and noodles....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Card from the Norris's

Being a graphic designer as one of my duties can be very advantageous.  I get to design holiday cards and other things for our family.  So I present our Holiday Card for 2010.  I was able to use the free pictures provided by Tia's first modeling shoot with CPI Corp.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Her Name is Justice...

So Tia has many nicknames and most of them make a lot of sense. However, we came to find out that Tia's Uncle Brandon has been calling her Justice for the past year. The rest of us aren't quite sure why, but my theory is that she reminds him of the children's store in the mall called Justice...perhaps. I haven't asked him why because I think it is cute. I love that he has given her his own nickname. My Uncle Rich has always called me Angelina for as long as I can remember. The funny story about Justice is that Uncle Brandon must have told his friends that Tia's name was Justice because he had a friend who came up to Tia and said 'Hi Justice' and then proceeded to say that he loves the name and how unique it is. SO cute! I am sure she'll have many many nicknames over the years from TiaPotPie when she was all balled up in my belly to Peanut when she was first born to Tee Tee at Daycare and not to Justice.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy 1st Year Birthday Tia!

Wow, when they say that time flies when kids are babies and to cherish every moment, they weren't a kidding. This year seemed to have flown by with Tia and although there were moments that seemed longer than others, it almost seems like a blur. I have done my very best to cherish every single moment with Tia and to be thankful for every time I get to rock her or hold her or when she says mamamama. I just can't believe she's one and I am sure I'll be saying the same thing on her two year birthday. She has had a great first year and I just am excited to have my little angel in my life and I can't wait to help her celebrate all of her birthdays to come. May God bless her with a long and full life with all the good things that life has to offer and some. I just love my little girl! I can't imagine my life without her.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tia cracks me up sometimes with her little mannerisms. My latest favorite is what I call Pac-Man.  It seriously sounds like she is Pac-Man when she wants to eat. She started doing it a few weeks ago, but lately she will do it every times she sees food, every time she sees us eating, or just when she is hungry. I love that we have a means of communication for eating and it is super cute.  Yesterday when we were leaving daycare, there was a big bag of pretzels sitting at the front and Tia spit her pacifier have walk across the room, started moving her mouth and sounding like Pac-Man, and then lunged for the pretzels. It was so funny.  Everyone at daycare has been noticing it too.  My little Ms. Pac-Man!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mommy & Daddy Movie Night

So Chris and I hadn't seen a movie at a theater in over 2 years (maybe longer) and recently we've decided to start going a little more now that Tia is getting out of the infancy stages.  So a couple weeks ago, while Katma was watching Tia on two different occassions, we decided to go see a couple movies including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. We just went to the Arnold theater since it was close to home.  Last night, Aunt Jenny watched Tia so we could hit another movie. We have a few on our list of would-like-to-see, but the one that sounded the best last night was Narnia (3rd). I was worried because we passed by the movie theater on our way to grab a quick bite to eat and the parking lot was packed.  The new Gravois Bluffs theater in Fenton looked nice and it was our first time seeing a movie there. We also chose to see Narnia in 3D to see what that was like.  We got to the theater a little early and walking into the theater we realized that we were the only people watching this particular movie.  I don't recall every being the only ones but it was a first time for both Chris and me.  We had our nerdy Clark Kent glasses sitting mid level in the theater in nice cushy, reclining leather seats.  We were taking pictures of ourselves and making jokes. It was actually pretty nice. We even took our shoes off and propped them up on the seats in front of us. Aw - what an experience. So we have decided to try to do this at least once a month. One thing is for sure, ticket prices have gone through the roof!  $9.50 per person plus a $3 3D up charge.  We didn't get any food or drinks, but we did at our last couple movies. It is insane, and I'm sure by the time Tia reads this one day, the prices will be around $50 per person or some unbelievable amount.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby Einstein

I know about the time when Tia was born there was a big stink about the Baby Einstein videos and how studies have proven them to be non-educational. But, I have to admit that I love them.  Not just because it entertains Tia, but because she loves them.  We have "First Signs", "Neighborhood Animals", "Baby Mozart", and now "Nursery Rhymes" and Tia just is amazed by them. I can see that she is learning too. In fact, in one of the videos, she predicts what is going to happen before it does.  For instance, one scene will be an elephant (that she isn't a fan of) and then she'll start moving her head from side to side like a tick-tock clock and next thing the scene changes to a metronome that is going tick tick tick back and forth. Then she'll start dancing and the next scene a song will come on. And I noticed that one on the video we got last week.  I have tried other videos, but she doesn't keep engaged in them and is uninterested. I do love that she plays with her toys more and even though she isn't watching, I can tell she is still listening. It just goes to show why the Generation of kids these days are multi-taskers.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tia's First Birthday Party

Yesterday was Tia's first birthday party at her Great Uncle Chuck and Aunt Brooke's house in Edwardsville. It was a family event with about 40 people in attendance.  The weather was horrendous and at one point, I even called off the party because I didn't want to take the chance of any accidents or worse. The snowfall looked like a foot high but it was the wind that was making it really hard to travel.
I went out early to Wal-Mart to get supplies for the party and I can honestly say, I was all over the road. After talking with several family members, we decided to go ahead and have the party. (1) When could we even reschedule...we probably couldn't (2) Christmas is just two weeks away and everyone is busy with the holidays (3) We already paid for the cake, food, and supplies (4) Tons of people will still make it (5) Those who know it is too dangerous can stay home and they'll know we will understand. To my surprise we had almost 40 people there. I was amazed.  Tia made out like a bandit.  She had so many presents that I was overwhelmed opening them all. I had to enlist the help of Tia's cousins Janelle and Juliean who had no problem opening up the gifts.  Of course I loved all the clothes and videos and Tia loved all the toys. She was a trooper all day long. She had a few spells where her temper came out, but for being passed around constantly to people she may or may not remember, she did well.  She had her own little birthday cake to demolish and she was so dainty about it.  She LOVED the icing and just kept eating it and was mad when we took it away. We did give her the Dora figurine off the top and she just ate on that until poor Dora had no icing left.  Tia was mad if we even tried to take her away from her.  When we got home, we opened a ton of her toys to play with and she went to town. 

Chris and I decided that she knew exactly what it meant because she acted so excited. She kept crawling up on Chris with an excited scream with a big old smile. She just played and played until bedtime. It was super cute.  So her first birthday party was a hit and being two weeks after Thanksgiving and two weeks before Christmas was perfect.  Thanks to Chuck and Brooke for their home and big thanks to Leslie and Alyssa for their help facilitating the party....I would have been a mess without their help!  So Tia knows who was all there when she reads this one day: Great Grandpa Dan & Great Grandma Tena Merli, Great Grandma (G.G.) Stella Merli, Great Grandma Billie Gulledge, Grandma (Katma) Kathi Spears, Grandpa Mike & Grandma Marsha Norris, Grandpa Donald Paul & Grandma Tharinee Gulledge, Aunt Amber Chappell, Uncle Dakota Chappell, Uncle Brandon Pritchett, Aunt Dolor Gulledge & Cousins Juliean & Janelle, Great Uncle Chuck & Great Aunt Brooke Gulledge & Brock, Chase, Beau, Great Aunt Kina & Great Uncle Evan Jones & Garryt, Drew, Great Aunt Jenny & Great Uncle Dave Dawson, Great Uncle Dennis & Great Aunt Debbie Merli & Dierdre, Great Aunt Fran Cain, 2nd Cousin Jamie & Larry Butkovich, Leslie Schultz, Alyssa Smith, Daddy, Mommy & Tia.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Maybe She's Over It?

The past few weeks, Tia has had some major diarrhea and then she got a yeast infection. Honestly, didn't realize that babies can get yeast infections, but she is a girl, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.  They suggested putting jock itch cream called Lotramin for a few days and if that didn't work, then we need to get a prescription.  Well, it worked or at least it looks like it did.  I just felt so bad for Tia because she had a sore bottom and was teething. The poor kid seems to have had a rough year with sickness. Although, the tubes have helped significantly.  She is still in good spirits and she still warms my heart with her smiles. She is really starting to show her personality!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Little Soccer Player

Most of you already know that Chris and I are big soccer lovers. I played soccer my entire life including 15 years as the only girl on the guys soccer team. Of course, I was a huge tomboy growing up and didn't really grow into my own until later high school.  I played soccer in college and the minute I moved to St. Louis, I signed up to play on any team that would take me. I had my own team for years and it wasn't until a few years ago that I stopped playing. I even played at the Show Me State games with a select team and every year, we were in the top three.  Chris didn't have the luxury of playing soccer until later in life, but he played several nights a week as an adult for years prior to meeting me.  When we met, it was always a dream of mine to be married to someone who I played soccer with on a regular basis.  And although we did get a few leagues in together, ultimately, we both have been soccer-less for the past couple years.  I tore my PCL (posterior knee) playing kickball in 2008 and Chris tore his ACL (anterior knee) playing soccer in 2009.  We were definitely a match made in heaven. But we have both talked about possibly getting back into it one of these days.  In the meantime, we have Tia to tend to and I think she is already developing a soccer forte.  The minute we found out she was a girl, we drove to Babies-R-Us to buy our first item for her and we decided on a pink pair of puma soccer shoes as her first official shoes.  Boy did she look cute in them, but of course she's too big for them now.  In Chicago, earlier this year, I bought her a big plush soccer ball from IKEA. She loved that think, but probably too big to really play with. The other night I saw a softball sized plus soccer ball and I had to get it for her.  I never thought it would be her new favorite toy, but she loves the thing. She'll throw it and then chase it down. She chews on it and she loves on it (so cute).  Yesterday morning, I accidentally let her keep in when I put her in her car seat. Normally, I'll take it away from her and put it back in the car, but she must have snuck it from me.  Apparantly, the teachers were saying that it was the HOT toy and Tia would get mad if anyone played with it.  She was guarding it with her life and ultimately, they had to take it away because it was causing such chaos amongst the classmates. My first thought was...yeah, she is going to be a defender like her mommy! lol  But I just love that she is loving the soccer ball. I told her the other night that she may now realize it yet, but her two requirements from Momma-bear are (1) playing soccer and (2) playing the guitar!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

She's Definitely Teething

Our poor baby girl was in some major pain last night.  Her pain is two fold, but I believe the major hurt is from teething.  For months, she's been teething and has an irk here or there, but I have never heard her whine in pain like she did last night. I have heard other babies whimpering, but not Tia.  Chris had her by himself because I was at my bowling league when he called in worry wondering why she wouldn't stop crying, wouldn't eat, and wouldn't calm down.  I could hear her on the phone and my heart just ached. I hated hearing her like that I felt helpless because I wasn't there (and she always wants her mommy ;) Chris was worried, but I made a couple suggestions and he tried them.  I did call him back after while and he said he finally got her to eat, but that two things (1) she has a yeast infection and her bottom is very blistery...which it has been for a few days now, but we just thought it was the aftermath of her diarrhea stage.  (2) her teeth are bothering her.  Tia finally had two teeth break through on the bottom and when you feed her, she'll stick her fingers and feel her new teeth. I don't think she quite knows what to think.  So it is inevitable that she'd start the whimpering part of teething and thus she has.  Chris was all torn up last night and said he just couldn't get the image out of his mind of his little girl not acting like herself. Not reacting like she normally does, not playing, not eating, and being a bit lethargic. He was worried, but he knows it will all get better. So I went and asked the pharmacist what we should do for her yeast infection and we are supposed to put this jock itch creme (starts with an L) for a few days and if that doesn't help, then call the doctor.  I also bought Baby Ora-gel and tried to give her a binky with some smeared on it, but she was in too much pain that she didn't want anything.  I did get her to finally take it and she knew something was up with the binky because it tasted funny to her...but hopefully it helps.  My poor baby!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let's Go Bye-Bye

I just love how Tia opens and closes her hands gesturing bye-bye.  Any time someone says the word bye bye, she'll make that gesture.  Or sometimes, I'll be in the other room and I'll wave to her. She'll instantly wave back. I love it.  The other thing I love is when I put her in the pumpkin seat, she'll hold on to the handles like she is ready to go.  Lately though, because it is so cold, I'll take a blanket and tuck her in, so her hands are under the covers and she's nice and nestled and warm.  I have been trying to sneak a hat on her lately. She'll instantly take it off, but then try to put it on herself.  It usually ends up sitting on her head, but not properly. I guess I have to give her credit for wanting to do it herself.  So I do like that she is understanding what it means to go bye-bye, etc. 

My Little Singer?

So most people know I love to sing and play my guitar...although I may not be the best in the world, I do enjoy trying. I have written a few songs and the one I wrote for Chris is my favorite one to sing.  Chris loves to chime in and it is my old standby for the time being.  A couple nights ago, we were in the guest bedroom and Chris was holding Tia up on the bed, so I grabbed the guitar and started to sing.  Tia started to gently dance and then all of a sudden she made this horrible face.  Her eyes went squinty, her forehead got all wrinkly, her lips became circle like almost pointing down and she started to make this low sound almost like she was in pain. But she kept doing it and she was still gently dancing. At first, I thought, wow, she's one and already is a critic of my singing...but what we soon found out was that she was singing.  She just looked so sweet and she was just a howling away.  The next morning, we were driving to school and I was signing to some song on the radio and I looked over and saw her in the back seat with the same scrunched up, painful looking face, making a deep howl. She was really getting into it too.  This morning, I just said the word sing and she started howling. I'm telling you, I had to warn the teachers that she is not in pain if she makes that sort of face or sound, she's just singing a long! lol

Monday, December 6, 2010

Eating Like a Big Girl

Thankfully, Chris was patient and tolerant enough to force Tia into eating some of her foods that she acts like she doesn't like.  He would speed feed her and she'd cry and moan at the first several bites and then finally give in.  Of course, Chris would feed her the worst foods first and then her favorites later.  She loves Chicken and Turkey and will eat four chicken/turkey sticks at a time.  She loves macaroni with cheese, although we've been putting that one on hold to feed her some of the more nutritious foods. But I have to say that because of Chris she is now eating like a champ.  Now that she has two teeth coming in, I think she'll become and even better eater over time.  I think because she eats well, she sleeps very well at night too. She has always been a pretty good sleeper, but sometimes if she didn't eat much of the hearty foods, she would wake up hungry mid-night.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I See Teeth...Finally!

We've been waiting patiently for some teeth to come in, but to no avail....nothing.  I have been checking and I am positive I even glanced last night. Although, she won't let you look willingly, but when she laughs or looks up, it's a perfect time to steal a peak.  This morning, when I dropped her off at First Academy, the Director said 'she's got those two teeth coming in...' and I said 'WHAT?!?, Really?', because I thought I would have noticed, so I peaked in her mouth and yep, there sits two bottom front teeth that are barely peaking through her gums.  They almost look clear, but sitting perfectly side by side are two TEETH! Finally!  I see all of her classmates have had teeth for months and Tia has had zero, but after thinking about it yesterday, I'm really not surprised.  I didn't have my first baby tooth fall out until I was in second grade and according to some coworkers, that is super late because most have theirs start falling out in Kindergarten.  But this is not necessarily a bad thing if Tia takes after me.  My teeth are super strong, I didn't have cavities until I was out of high school, and although they recommended braces, I've never had them to this point.  I LOVE Chris's teeth and would love for her to have teeth like him, but he begs to differ saying he had a major overbite and had nick names growing up about eating corn and being bucky... I have been told that my teeth are more evolved because I only have 2 wisdom teeth on the top that never came in.  So I don't even have wisdom teeth on the bottom at all. Having only 2 possibly wisdom teeth is a sign that is more evolved and therefore may be a reason why I was a late tooth bloomer, as is Tia.  No matter how we theorize...I'm so proud of Tia for finally getting some teethers!