One of my favorite things is my mornings with Tia. Yes, I have to get up a couple hours before I did prior to having Tia but it becomes habit and just part of the routine. I never know how the mornings are going to go...I really just let Tia dictate what happens. All the same tasks take place but the order is set by when she gets up. Some mornings she sleeps until I wake her up. This is my most ideal time because I can get all of my stuff done and all I have to do is feed and change her and we are out the door. However, sometimes she gets up early and I usually feed her in the dark and try to put her back to bed. Most of the time she goes right back down, but sometimes not so much. So I sometimes put her in the swing in front of the TV with Baby Einstein on and she'll doze off. Other times, if really early, I'll bring her in bed with me and feed her and let her go back to sleep on my chest. I'll put her next to Chris and go get ready. Every morning my alarm goes off at 5:15 and then 5:30. I usually get up and make her a warm bottle so it is ready to go. I have her monitor nearby and when she lets me know, I'll go feed her. I jump in the shower and get ready, then I'll get my bags packed for the day, her diaper bag packed, and have everything right by the door ready to go. I'll go into her room and sometimes if she's still asleep, I'll turn the light on and while I'm grabbing her clothes and putting stuff away, she slowly wakes up and she stands up in her crib and is super excited to see me. I scoop her up and take her into the guest bedroom and prop her up on a pillow and give her the bottle. She'll hold it while I take off all of her pjs and change her diaper. I'll interrupt her here and there to put her shirt on but she doesn't seem to mind too much. Then once we are ready to go, I'll bring her in to see Chris as he is rolling out of bed for the day. We'll play with daddy and give kisses goodbye and then we are on our way to school and work. She is super clingy in the morning and becomes a mommy's girl sometimes not even going to Chris and she hardly ever wants to go to any of her teachers. She watches my every move and whines if I make a effort towards leaving. The only thing that keeps her distracted is food! But I do enjoy spending those bonding moments with Tia. I talk to her in the car and kiss her cheek when she eats. I give her some 'you're so silly' and 'you're so sweet' in the morning. We giggle, laugh, and she'll crawl around the house while I chase her. Just so fun.

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