Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tia Missed Her 9 Month Appointment

My excuse is with the chaos of Tia being sick frequently during her first 6 months, I barely remember which appointment was her 6 month and which appointment was just another day we brought her in because she caught a cold.  Shortly after is when she got her tubes put in and I remember the doctor saying she'd have her next shots at a year, but I just really don't remember anyone saying anything about a 9 month appointment.  Like I said, it was sort of a blur since we were up at the doctor so often.  So needless to say, Tia missed her 9 month appointment.  I guess in retrospect, it is a great thing because she has had no reason to go back in the past 5 months. She's been happy, healthy, and growing like a weed. So her next appointment will be her year apppointment which sounds as crazy as her first birthday coming upon us quickly. 

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