Monday, November 8, 2010

So Big...

Tia is just the cutest thing when someone says 'How big is Tia?' and she'll put her hands straight up in the air and we'll say 'So Big'. Then she'll keep doing it and we'll respond every time with 'So Big.' It is seriously so precious.  She definitely responds and knows what we are talking about.  The other thing she does is clap her hands. If you say Patty Cake or clap your hands, she'll pull her hands out and clap them.  What Chris loves about it is how sweet it is. She barely claps them together but does enough to where the sound is just a tiny clapping sound. It is so cute and she'll do it often for other reasons too.  I just love it.  She dances when music comes on and she has been shaking her head at certain things too, although we haven't quite figured out what that means yet.  All of her little actions are just awesome to see and to watch her grow so big!  Love it!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Gabriel LOVES to clap and I just noticed in Alexander's baby book that he was doing So Big by now. I had forgotten all about it!!
