So Chris has had a Cavalier Z24 for years. So long that the car is still in somewhat good condition for being a 1998 vehicle. It has over 170,000 miles on it and has its share of slight problems, but all in all it has been a great car for Chris and he definitely considered it one of his babies for a long time. In fact, when we met the Cavalier is the car he was driving around and not too long after we got serious, he went and purchased a nicer vehicle so we could ride around in a bit more know, power locks, air conditioning, etc. But when we found out we were pregnant, the nicer vehicle was only a two-seater and we soon realized that it was not going to do the job. Especially, since there would soon be three of us and a two-seater was not going to cut it. So Chris sold the Nissan 350Z that was in mint condition with pretty much zero miles on it because besides a few dates with me here and there, he typically drove the Cavalier around. I designed a website to showcase the 350Z and we posted a link on Craigslist..within a week, the car was sold. So I've been telling him for a few years now to get rid of the Cavalier, that I wanted him to be safe, and that he would NEVER let Tia ride around in it. In his eyes, the car was fine, BUT he did understand my worries and has been meaning to sell it for a long time. Finally, a month or so ago, he took pictures and I was able to post them to my website and put direct html jpgs into the Craigslist posting. Within minutes, the phone started ringing, the text messages started coming, and the emails were filling up the inbox. Over 50 and more interested parties...Chris put above book value because he knew how much he had taken care of the car and that it was worth more than the average for sale by owner 98 Cavalier Z24. Within a week, the Cavalier was sold! A buyer came with cash in hand and signed all the paperwork for the Cavalier to have a new home. I do think Chris was a bit said and I can understand why. I was the same way about my old Ford Explorer that I had for years that eventually exploded, literally. I sold it to a friend and whenever I see the same model, I get those nostalgic feelings back. I'm sure Chris will be the same way, although a part of him is relieved as well. Glad she's sold - one more thing we have crossed off our list before the move, if that ever happens!

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