We have had our house up for more than 90 days and although we've had over a full page of showings and every one of them love the house, but they all hate the backyard. Our backyard is not the best, but it is not horrible. I have definitely seen worse. It is very large because essentially, we are on a corner lot on our street. It is baseball diamond shaped and is a huge incline from our house up the hill. I honestly will say that when I moved in, I thought bad things about our backyard too, BUT it wasn't until this year that I actually went up to the top to take pictures and realized it was a nice back yard. There is a level spot in the middle and it is a gorgeous view. Now, getting takers to wall to the top of the yard and take a good look at it, is a challenge. We had hoped to move by now, but it looks as though we will be staying at least through this hard winter until Spring time when the housing market is much better. Only time will tell. I would love to say that all the mornings of cleaning and tidying up have paid off, but to no avail - it hasn't. With a baby, it has been extra hard and I really do think she has more stuff that I do, but we'll get there one day...just have to be persistent and patient.

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