Tia has been out of sorts lately when it comes to sleeping. She does not want to be put down in her crib, on the floor to play, in her swing, or even rocked. She is just not happy when it is bed time. It is amazing that she does not sleep much during the day and you'd think she'd be exhausted when she gets home - nope. Last night, she was up until 10:00pm and refused to go to bed. Chris was at his wits end because she was high maintenance too...she wanted to be held. Even jumping on the bed wasn't good enough for her. I think she is a bit under the weather and is just having a hard time settling down. At daycare, they said that she refuses to sleep in her crib lately too. When I came in this morning, they said - did she crash hard last night because she would not nap all day yesterday and when I told them she wouldn't go to bed until 10:00ish, they were amazed. They also said that she will fall asleep in the high chair table they have and will bob her head and actually fall asleep sometimes but the minute they take her out and put her in her crib, she wakes right up. I knew exactly what they were talking about. I would love to hear suggestions on how to change this...of course being a new parent, I'm clueless as to how to get good sleeping habits down. We do let her cry it out for a short while from time to time and then pick her up and try to rock her, etc...and then put her back down. She'll fuss but eventually go back to bed. I am just not sure how to get her to go in her bed willingly, let alone go to bed on her own. Have I spoiled her with rocking and putting her in the swing? I just really enjoy bonding with her while I'm rocking her to bed sometimes...it reminds me of when we first brought her home.

Tommy went through a rough patch from the 10-11 month mark with sleeping, and we decided his teeth were bugging him - even though he did not get his first tooth until 11.5 months! At night, he would wake up every hour and I'd rock him back to sleep (this was a kid who never had to be rocked, and would put himself to sleep when I put him in his crib up until this point). I was beside myself, and ended up bringing him in to sleep with us, which I SWORE I would never do. But it was the only way he would sleep (and same with Mommy and Daddy). I felt extreme guilt about it, but after investing in 4 different books about sleep for babies and kids, decided that it was a temporary phase, and it was working for US. didn't matter what others thought or said. And you know what, the phase lasted a month. Occasionally he'll have a rough night and I bring him in to sleep between John and I, but most nights I can get him to settle back down. As for the not napping...we have that issue on weekends when he is home with us. He naps fine in daycare, but usually falls asleep in the high chair having a snack after I give up trying to get him down for a nap. fortunately for us, he stays asleep when I move him to his crib. Doesn't nap as long as he does in daycare of course! I'm sure she is just going through a phase. Tommy is almost 14 months and seems to understand when I say time to go night night, and we've tried to keep his nighttime routine the same - bath, changed, brush teeth, read, bottle, and then bed. Some nights I have to rock him longer, some nights he lets me put him in the crib and he "reads" his books and puts himself to sleep. Of course, on the night I really want him to do that, he doesn't! Hope this works itself out for you soon!