Last night, I was on the couch, Chris was on the sofa chair and Tia was in her playpen just playing along. I hear Chris say 'look at her' and when I did, she was standing up and clapping. She was trying to hold her balance and I counted 10 seconds and then she leaned in towards the wall of the playpen and held on. She looked at us with big smiles and she was proud. She kept doing it and would last about 10 or so seconds before losing her balance. It was so cute! I really do believe that the playpen has helped her learn to stand and pull herself up much faster than if she didn't have it. I bet she'll be walking by her 1st birthday, but I can't say that for sure. We really haven't tried to get her to walk much...maybe we are afraid of what comes next, lol Boy is she stinkin cute!

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