I heard an interesting theory on why babies look like their fathers at birth. A friend told me it is because in the old days, barbarian and otherwise, babies were born to looked this way to identify the fathers. Before genetic testing and way before doctors, this would be essential especially in cultures where they didn't have one women for one man, etc. It definitely makes sense, although I don't know for sure. Now that I've had a baby of my own, I do notice this about babies. Almost all the babies I've seen do look just like their fathers when born, but within a month or so they start to show traits of mommy too. I dropped Tia off at school today and while she was sitting there with the other babies on the floor playing with toys, I got a glimpse of myself. Round/square head, dark eyes, and a semi-Thai nose. Even though I birthed her, there were a few times where all I saw was Chris and especially since she is lighter than I had expected. But I think as time goes on, she will definitely look like me too. I still see a lot of Chris, but when she is animated - I see me.

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