So last week I had lots of sleepless night and this week, I think I got too much sleep because I wasn't used to not getting up a dozen times throughout the night. Almost every single night this week, Tia only lost her pacifier once from the time she went to bed between 7:30pm and 8:30pm until I get her up in the morning or she gets me up in the morning about 6:00am. I really do hope this is a trend that lasts because it has been wonderful. In the morning before I jump in the shower, I have always made her bottle beforehand. This way, if she woke up crying, I could quickly get to her and feed her. The week, there were a couple days were she was still sound asleep and I had to wake her up to feed her. Now that was awesome. I got all of our stuff packed, myself ready, and all I had to do was feed and change her and then head out the door. There were also a couple mornings where she was awake but waiting patiently in her crib for me. Of course, as soon as she sees me she goes crazy and wants her bottle. That is another cute thing she does. She will spit out and launch her pacifier when there is a bottle in her presence. It is rather funny. I sit in the rocker, put her on my lap, put her bib on, and then as I'm bringing the bottle up to her mouth, she spits that pacifier so far it usually hits the floor. All the stuff she does is so darling.

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