It seems like Tia is not crazy about solid foods. She'll eat them, but only if she is really hungry. She'll take her bottle to empty, but when we try to feed her solids, she refuses or acts uninterested. I have seen two other babies eat like they were going to get lots of toys for eating as much as they could...but Tia is just not there yet. I put the Gerber finger snacks out like the strawberry gummies, the star cereal, and some cheese puffs and she'll eat them at the beginning and then play with them. One thing is that if she puts it in her mouth and falls out and is wet, she doesn't want to touch it...are we seeing a little diva in her? But at least on her sheet from daycare, she is eating solids there. We'll keep trying at home, but we may have to come up with a new tactic...airplane is just not working anymore. I am just praying that she doesn't pick up on my picky-ness because I don't want any of my children to know that I am even pick until they are old enough to realize it on their own and hopefully by that time, they'll like all the food that I don't. I hate being picky, but I believe it is something you develop when you are young. I have tried all the foods I don't like and there is just no way I can eat them. I don't want Tia to ever have to deal with that. It is very interesting because my aunt and uncle have three boys...they really watched the oldest intake of food and even with the 2nd son. The two of them will eat pretty much anything. But with their third son, schedules of sports, extra curricular activities, and just life got busy and they less regulated the 3rd son's intake of good foods. They really let him decide what he wanted or not. He is probably the pickiest eater I have ever met. He won't even eat the stuff that most kids love. When talking with my Uncle about it, it really falls in line with my thoughts on why I'm so picky. My dad was a single father for a while during my development stage of eating and he was a pro at cooking grilled cheese, breakfast, and hamburger well as a pro at ordering McDonalds, pizza, and fast food. My honest first memory of seeing a salad for the first time was when I was in high school. I literally thought they were eating grass (and still do). I've tried it every which way and it is just a texture thing for me. I've come a long way since I was little, but it takes me picking one thing at a time and really turning it into the right texture over years...but I love food and have never had much of a problem finding something to eat no matter where we are!

Angie - We went through the same thing with Tommy. He ate great at daycare but not as well for us. everyone tells me that is NORMAL! I have been told I'm a "picky" eater, but I like to call myself a "traditional" eater. Tommy is 3 months ahead of Tia and I thought he would never eat Cheerios, which I thought was the first finger food for all babies! He finally got into them between 11-12 months. I am still giving him a lot of pureed food because he still doesn't like the textures of everything, which is also supposedly more common with boys. I was thrilled when he finally started eating some of the stage 3 foods! He apparently swipes strawberries and chicken nuggets off of other kids plates, but when I try at home - nope! Tia will let you know when she is ready. All of a sudden she will one day be eating things you'd never thought. Every kid is different. Tommy still only has 2 teeth. Loves almost anything crunch (crackers, cheerios, veggie sticks) but soft and mushy - eh. Kind of like his no matter what you do to hide your pickiness, sometimes it's just inherited!!