Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tia Graduated from Infant Class 1

I was surprised when Tia's teacher said she'd be moving classes soon. I guess it is so hard to believe how much she has grown.  When I really stop and look at all of her classmates, they are only a few months old compared to her. She's mobile and on the move now too.  I guess it is just hard for me to realize she is growing up so fast, just as they say.  So this morning, I was dropping her off in Infant Class 1 when they said 'oh Tia is in the other class now'...I asked 'for good?' and she said 'yes, and I'm super sad to see her go'.  I dropped her off in the other classroom and all of her stuff had been moved over already.  It is crazy but I know it is also a milestone for Tia.  She's graduated from one class and is now onto the next. 

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