Since birth, Tia just lights up when she sees Chris and just hungers for his attention. But the past month or so, she has started to take on a whole new outlook. Don't get me wrong, she's always loved her mommy, but I have always been the standard in her life with giving her bottles, getting her dressed, taking her to daycare, etc. Lately though, Chris has noticed that she pays attention to my every move. If he's holding her and I walk out of the room, she literally will turn all the way around in his arms to see where I went. In the morning if she wakes up earlier than normal, I'll put her in bed with Chris for a quick second while I make her bottle. She'll whimper as soon as I leave the room. At daycare, she has started to whimper when I start to leave or I try to put her down by all the toys. This morning, we had to ease her into letting me leave. She watched me ever intently as I put away her bottles, etc. I started to walk out of the room and she starts to give me those big puppy dog eyes and whine a little. So I came over and gave her a hug and kiss. One of her teachers scooped her up and was trying to distract her while I was trying to sneak out and she caught me. Eventually, I was able to make my escape. She was a bit under the weather over the weekend, so that may have played a part in it. It is sweet to know she wants her mommy, but I've really enjoyed her going to anyone without even thinking about it. People have said that she always keeps an eye on where mommy and daddy are, even when she was a few months old...and now that she has grown into her own smarts - she's even more perceptive to where we are. The cutest is when she looks at you out of the corner of her eye. It is like her peripherals, but not quite. So cute!! She is already super analytical and I can't imagine how that will be as she grows older. If she inherited both my and Chris's analytical behaviors, she is going to be a little smartypants for sure.

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