This morning, I couldn't have been prouder...Tia had her first modeling gig. I never had any intentions on getting her into modeling because I know that every parent thinks their child is the cutest and submits their kids to the agencies. I just figured the market was saturated and the modeling agencies already have hundreds of cute babies to choose from. My boss has her kids through an agency called NOW Talent and every now and they she'll get emails requesting pictures of babies. Every time she sends this out to the staff, several girls in the office tell me to submit Tia and some of the other cute babies whose mothers work here too. This time around, I decided 'what the hey' - I might as well. The downfall is that they want pictures that are a week or two weeks and less old. That is pretty hard considering sometimes I forget to take pictures. I scrambled the few photos I had of Tia for the previous weeks and sent over my favorite one. Low and behold, the agency announced that Tia McKenzie Norris was selected. We found out the client was CPI (Sears Portrait Studio) which is a great one because I've actually done modeling myself (back in the day) with CPI when I was really into modeling. I was a Mexican bride for a billboard in Mexico - I never saw the final prints of this, but I remember thinking 'do they really wear their hair like this'... So I knew exactly where to go and I was excited. They wanted holiday clothing in black, red, and white print. I went to the store and just grabbed two outfits and took along the winter outfits that Katma got for Tia last Christmas. I brought her in a red shirt and blue jeans so they went ahead and snapped some photos of her in this outfit because they did want some casual wear too. Then they put a dress on her that was super cute with plaid, white stockings, and patten leather shoes. She then was put into a 'snow bunny' outfit that Katma got her and they snapped some photos of her in that outfit...then Tia started getting tired and cranky and wasn't as cooperative. They said that she got through more outfits than most and most babies are ready to be done after only two outfits. But they said she did an awesome job and that she was super adorable. They want her to come back as soon as she starts walking which is exciting. Tia is already making more money than I did by the time I was 15, lol As part of her payment, she also gets a cd of pictures. I am so excited to see these pictures and use them for some Christmas cards. I did snap two short videos that I'll post when I can.

Go Tia! She is gorgeous and has the most beautiful eye lashes I've ever seen on an infant : )