So since Tia was born, I've been running to Tia's aid the moment she makes a peep while sleeping. I can honestly say that she has never cried when I was listening to her sleep. I get to her side and get her pacifier in or pick her up to rock her back to sleep. We have baby monitors where I can hear EVERYTHING...everything so much that I can even hear when her pacifier leaves her mouth and hits the bed. I know, sick that I have super sonic hearing. I have friends who say I have 'cat like' hearing and it is most likely one of my Asian traits. (Right Lisa?) Well, they are right and it is often a curse more than it is for the good. I get it from my mom because my whole life I've always watched what I mumbled when she was near because no matter what, she could hear it. Even when we are bowling and she is up to bowl. If I say anything, she returns to the table and talks about it as if she was right there hearing it. Well, I've definitely inherited a few traits from her and one of them is my hearing ability. Poor husband Chris, as he can't do anything without me hearing. He can be two rooms away and I'll hear his antics and come over and make fun of him. He could be singing in the shower and I'm in the kitchen cooking and I hear him. It's true! For Tia's sake, I've always felt it was a great thing, because I have seriously never let the poor girl cry and I've never believed in the cry it out hurts me more than it hurts her. But, I need to let go a bit and let her learn to cope on her own from time to time. She knows I'm coming to her aid so much so that when she loses her pacifier and I come in to put it back in, her mouth is wide open...ready...and waiting. I put it back in and she rolls over and dozes off.
Well, the past few nights have been sleepless ones for me. I feel like I've been in her room 20 times throughout the night and I know she hasn't slept very good ever since she has had her tubes put it. The tubes have done wonders, don't get me wrong...but perhaps she also has inherited the super sonic hearing and therefore she now hears everything and wakes up throughout the night. I certainly have a very hard time sleeping and I need the fan on high to drown out any unwanted sound. I know I heard the train passing through last night and it is 10 or so miles away. Perhaps, she hears what I hear now and has been waking up a lot plus we are transitioning her to more of a solid diet and of course that takes time too.
So going to bed last night, Chris talked me into letting him handle putting her to bed. He walks in and puts her in bed and comes right back to our bedroom to chat with me. All the while, I can hear her through the monitor whining, whimpering, and rolling over and over. I gave him the wide open eyes and said 'wow, putting her to bed, eh?' and he said just let her be for a while. Deep down, I know this is what we need to do, but it is so darn hard to hear her not happy. I turned off the monitor and let Chris go help her to bed. He came back a while later and said - she's out. So he finally got her to bed. In the middle of the night, she woke up about 3am and she was wide-eyed too. I wanted so badly to pick her up and calm her down and then rock her back to bed, but I knew I needed to let her learn to cope on her own. So I crawled over to her crib to see if she had lost her pacifier and she didn't. So I went and laid down in the guest bedroom and waited patiently. I told myself I'd give her 30 minutes to cope and then I'd come be her savior. She whined and whimpered...rolling over and over. I could tell she was just not getting comfortable. But I let her be. Then after 30 minutes, I went in and by this time she had lost her pacifier and spotted me in the room. I picked her up...she had a huge smile. Then I rocked her for less than 10 minutes and put her back to bed. She was out for the count. Normally, she wakes me up between 5 and 6 to eat, but this morning I had to wake her up to feed her.
So I'm trying and I know it is what needs to be done to get her to learn how to sleep better and to learn to cope when she wakes up. We'll see how it goes and hopefully it will be what helps her to sleep better along with developing her eating habits.

Well, the past few nights have been sleepless ones for me. I feel like I've been in her room 20 times throughout the night and I know she hasn't slept very good ever since she has had her tubes put it. The tubes have done wonders, don't get me wrong...but perhaps she also has inherited the super sonic hearing and therefore she now hears everything and wakes up throughout the night. I certainly have a very hard time sleeping and I need the fan on high to drown out any unwanted sound. I know I heard the train passing through last night and it is 10 or so miles away. Perhaps, she hears what I hear now and has been waking up a lot plus we are transitioning her to more of a solid diet and of course that takes time too.
So going to bed last night, Chris talked me into letting him handle putting her to bed. He walks in and puts her in bed and comes right back to our bedroom to chat with me. All the while, I can hear her through the monitor whining, whimpering, and rolling over and over. I gave him the wide open eyes and said 'wow, putting her to bed, eh?' and he said just let her be for a while. Deep down, I know this is what we need to do, but it is so darn hard to hear her not happy. I turned off the monitor and let Chris go help her to bed. He came back a while later and said - she's out. So he finally got her to bed. In the middle of the night, she woke up about 3am and she was wide-eyed too. I wanted so badly to pick her up and calm her down and then rock her back to bed, but I knew I needed to let her learn to cope on her own. So I crawled over to her crib to see if she had lost her pacifier and she didn't. So I went and laid down in the guest bedroom and waited patiently. I told myself I'd give her 30 minutes to cope and then I'd come be her savior. She whined and whimpered...rolling over and over. I could tell she was just not getting comfortable. But I let her be. Then after 30 minutes, I went in and by this time she had lost her pacifier and spotted me in the room. I picked her up...she had a huge smile. Then I rocked her for less than 10 minutes and put her back to bed. She was out for the count. Normally, she wakes me up between 5 and 6 to eat, but this morning I had to wake her up to feed her.
So I'm trying and I know it is what needs to be done to get her to learn how to sleep better and to learn to cope when she wakes up. We'll see how it goes and hopefully it will be what helps her to sleep better along with developing her eating habits.
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