So I don't have to be at work until 8:30am, BUT I like to arrive between 7:45am and 8:00am. To me, 8:00am is late for me. One reason is because I want the option to take a full hour lunch and I also want the option of leaving at 5:00pm if need be. I generally work more than 40 hours a week but if a Friday comes up and I've banked some time - I occasionally will need to leave early if we have weekend plans that need me to head out at 3:00pm or 4:00pm. Since school is back in session arriving at 7:40am or 7:45am is a little harder, but definitely possible. I do try to leave our house no later than 6:45am and sometimes even by 6:30am so I can beat the buses. I take Tia to daycare and get her all settled in her room then head out to work. However, this past week, she has really not wanted to leave my arms when we arrive. I try to put her on the floor to play with the toys and other kids, but she starts to whimper. OR a teacher will put their arms out and say 'come to me' and she'll tuck back into me and hug me like she doesn't want to go. This is so different than the way it has been thus far. So I tend to carry her with me to put her bottles and stuff away, write in her sheet, and check her in. I'll now sit down with her on the ground and then inch my way towards the door. Every now and then she'll catch me, but I was able to escape most days. Not sure why the change, but I still want her to be comfortable with others holding her, etc. I know all babies go through that age where they want their mommies (which I don't mind), but I wonder if this is just a trend or if this is because she has a bit of an ear infection isn't feeling 100%. Because of the tubes, she did not get sick and was able to stay in school. Her ears have been draining and we've been able to clean up the drainage and clean out her ears (which is not an easy feat). Because of her neediness, I've been a little late to work and arrive right at 8:00am...which is late in my mind but early in the company's mind. I guess we'll see how it goes.
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