It is so fun to walk into Tia's room in the morning, switch on the light, and say 'good moooorrrrrnnnning!' and look in her crib to see a sleepy eyed baby but she is smiling. I'm telling you that it just melts my heart instantly. After that, while I'm feeding her a bottle, I just love on her and kiss on her and she doesn't see to mind at all. As soon as she is done, we play for a bit and boy does she smile and laugh. She puts her head on my shoulder and she hugs me. Then after I change her and we are almost ready to walk out the door, we go see Daddy. She lunges for him and as soon as she is in Daddy's arms, she turns to see me. I give her a big smile and she laughs out loud. Daddy plays with her a bit while I go and put our stuff in the car. I get back and we just have a great time until we leave. Once we get to daycare, I love giving her kisses until we get to her classroom. I do little jumps with her in my arms and she laughs and smiles so big. I just love it!

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