Tia hasn't quite made the transition from army crawl to crawling, although she does get up on all fours and takes a step or two. She just hasn't quite perfected crawling with her belly off the ground yet. BUT, one thing she learned to do over the weekend is pull herself up to a standing position. We were watching her eyeball my cell phone on top of our ottoman, and she has that determined spirit to her that I see in myself and Chris. She grabbed the ottoman, pulled herself up onto her knees. She then, puts her hand up on the edge of the ottoman, puts her other higher and starts to pull. Slowly, she pulls herself up with her eye on the prize and she even used her mouth to leverage stability on the top of the ottoman. Then low and behold, she is standing all by herself holding onto the ottoman. So cute! Earlier that day at her modeling gig, they stood her up next to a box so I think she got the idea from that. Daycare also told me that she's been trying to stand up in her crib for weeks, but she gets frustrated because she can't quite get up all they way. Last night, she pulled herself up to standing in her crib too. So she's getting the hang of it for sure. I'm so proud, but I think Daddy is scared Tia is going to get hurt. She does have two small green dots on her face this morning - I think it was from standing in her crib and her head hitting the railing when she lost her balance. But I know she is going to be just fine. I can tell that she is going to be one competitive little girl...definitely a spawn of mommy and daddy!

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