Thursday, March 1, 2012

Getting Back in Shape

On Monday, I started my diet and exercise routine. I am rather excited about it and I can't wait to see results. Of course, with babies comes the horrible body changes (all worth it, of course). I searched the net for a work out that I would not only like, but actually see results from. Last time, I bought one specifically for postpartum moms and it was mostly pilates moves. I just didn't see results and honestly, it was quite boring. I ended up having to do a three month biggest loser challenge with my friends to get the weight off. It was great because we'd meet at the park and walk together. Once I lost the weight and the challenge was over - I didn't work out since. In fact, I haven't worked out in months. I saw something called Insanity that looked like something I'd like. It doesn't use weights, it was more intense, it had a lot of track moves, and it seemed that everyone had nothing but great things to say about it. The name should tell you that it is insane workouts and it is, but that is what I need. As a former athlete and record breaking sprinter (in high school), I need something that was more intense than running at a constant speed. I'm on day four and I have to say that I love it. Yes, it is truly extremely hard, but it works. I never sweat - ever...but with this, I'm sweating just in the warm up stage. It is intense and I haven't been able to do the full workouts in its entirety, but it doesn't matter because I can feel the burn in every part of my body and I feel great with what I can do. There are 11 DVDs that range from cardio to abs to balance. I took a before picture that I'm too embarrassed to show here right now, but maybe when I'm done - I'll post a before and after picture. The Insanity workout is a 60 day program that guarantees results and I can certainly say that I'm excited about it. The hardest part for me is finding time. With Lexi, she requires about 95% of my daily attention for feeding, holding, entertaining, changing, etc. She doesn't like the swing, bouncer, playpen, boppy, or being on the ground for longer than a few minutes. I'm working on it though! So right now, she constantly wants my attention. She isn't the greatest sleeper, so she doesn't sleep for long periods of time during the day either. But I'm determined to get it in. She watched me for a portion of one this week - I had to stop the dvd a few times to pick her up or move her to a new spot, but I made it through. No excuses!

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