Monday, March 12, 2012


One thing we try to do with Tia is instill good manners. I believe in the please and thank you's as much as possible. I knew Chris and I wouldn't have a problem because we do it naturally. Never would I have guessed that Tia would do an amazing job. She says thank you every time and you're welcome. She says please and bless you. It is awesome! Lately I've been trying to get her to say excuse me when she wants to get by you or instead of pushing you out of the way. She's been doing pretty good. Also saying excuse me when she toots. All in all I'm happy with Tia's manners, for being two she has better manners than most ten year olds. She's a sweetheart so I knew she'd have good manners too. She is a sponge so we do have to watch what we say! She repeats everything! Ha

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