Desperate times call for desperate measures. Now that Lexi is over jaundice and RSV, she is back to being a normal baby. I've had literally no sleep for the past 7 weeks and Lexi is not a great sleeper. She literally sleeps possibly 2 to 2.5 hours at a time. This kills me because I have a hard time falling asleep as it is, then by the time I feed her, change her and get her back to bed during the middle of the night, it is only an hour or so before it is time for her to feed again. Then by the time I actually fall asleep which sometimes doesn't happen because my mind races, I don't get that good deep sleep like I used to. During the day it is the same. She doesn't sleep that great and if I put a ton of effort into getting her to fall asleep, I don't have enough time to nap when she does. Every now and then she'll go down for a 2 or 3 hour nap, but then I'm working on house chores or trying to work out.
So I downloaded the Babywise book on the Kindle (on my iPhone) and I have read it front to back literally within 24 hours. I had the book and literally gave it to a coworker last week who is having a baby. I wasn't even thinking about it until I realized this week that something has got to give with my poor baby girl Lexi. I can't blame her for being a poor sleeper, I have to blame myself for not training her to sleep better. So I'm putting a plan into action today and over the next couple weeks, I hope I can report that I have some great success with using the principles of Babywise. I used it with Tia about 80% and she is a great sleeper once she is down. So here we go with Day #1. It will be some hard work, diligence, and a high level of patience on my part - but at this point - I'm willing to try just about anything. I need to get her sleep trained before she goes to daycare next month or else she'll sleep horribly during the day which results to sleeping horrible at night which means no sleep for mommy! SO here we go!
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