Monday, March 19, 2012

Long Eyelashes

I have to firstly admit that I have always been jealous of those with long eyelashes. I have such small eyelashes that you can hardly see them. In fact they are so short they aren't long enough to use an eyelash curler. I had fake one put on once and loved loved loved them but of course they only stuck around for a few days.

Tia has the longest, most beautiful lashes and boy do I envy her. I'm so excited for her to have long eyelashes! When Lexi was born, I said 'the poor girl takes after me and has such tiny lashes', but Chris said 'but they might grow later.' I have to admit I doubted him. I'm happy to report that Lexi's lashes are growing longer. They are literally as long as mine...and I'm not joking. I am thinking they are going to grow and look like Tia's. Yay!

My Aunt Linda has super long lashes, so long that they touch the lenses in her sunglasses. I think Chris has pretty nice lashes too and I think his Aunt Linda and Aunts on the Norris side have longer lashes as well. Not sure where they get them from but I'm excited for the girls!

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