Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lexi is Doing Better

I took Lexi to the Doc today for a week check-up after being hospitalized for RSV. Doc was super happy and saying she looks great, sounds great, and doing much better. She said she would say she is 100% better but to be safe, she is going to say she is 90% and we take another week or so for precaution. So she'll still have her heart/breathing monitor for a week or two just to make sure she is doing great still and then she'll be all better. They weighed her with her PJ outfit on just to get an estimate and she weighed almost 10 lbs. I was shocked. Last week, she was 8.5 lbs and just a few weeks before that she was 6 lbs. So she is getting big - yay! One thing with RSV is that babies lose their appetites and she would eat 1 or 2 oz every 1 or 2 sometimes 3 hours. It was rather exhausting, but I hated that she didn't eat much. I wanted to make sure she didn't get dehydrated and that she was getting enough fluids. On Saturday night she got her appetite back and almost seemed like she wasn't getting enough. It was great. She was eating 3 and 4 oz every 3 hours. So I can see why the recent weight gain. I am just so thankful for her recovery. I wouldn't know what I would have done if we would have lost her. I know that RSV is very common in kids, but in newborns it can be fatal. I would have blamed myself for the rest of my days. Luckily for me, she is alive and healthy. She is doing great and on her way to a 100% recovery from this awful virus. Thanks so everyone on Facebook who were cheering her on with thoughts and prayers - it made a big difference. And thanks to the Lord for giving me such a beautiful, amazing, and perfect baby girl!

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