Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pacifiers & Swaddling

As they always say all babies are very different. We've tried to follow all the things we did with Tia now with Lexi. What we are realizing are some of their differences. For one Tia loved the binkie and it was something we had to ween her off of. Lexi hates the binkie, she spits it out and acts not interested. This might change but as of now she won't use a pacifier. Tia loved being swaddled and she slept great because of it. She also wouldn't sleep without it. Lexi hates being swaddled and we've actually stopped using it for now. She is not the best sleeper so we are still trying to figure out what is best. There are a ton of other differences which is pretty cute because I know they will have their own personalities. Lexi is super loud if she cries and seems to have a higher pitched voice while Tia has a more deeper tone but not as low as mine.

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