Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Am I Nesting
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Tia is Doing Great
I've felt great all week. My little bun in the oven has had hiccups constantly and moves around like crazy. Chris downloaded a level app on his phone and set it on top of my belly. Little baby girl was rocking it so hard that Chris's eyes were bulging out in amazement. I'm telling you that I am super excited to get Tia into soccer and seeing how this little girl is even more active, I'm thinking we have two little soccer players on our hands.
Ever since my sickness those first three and a half months of pregnancy have gone away, I really have not had anything to complain about until this week. I have never had hemorrhoids in my life until now. With Tia, I don't remember having them but this week, I have had a bad case of what I think is hemorrhoids. Ugh! I am hoping my hand pain doesn't come back this time and I noticed for the first time yesterday that my ring felt tight on my finger. I guess being 30 weeks and rounding that final stretch will come more things to complain about, but all for something so worth it!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. Please pray for Tia's head to heal nicely and the staple to come out with no avail.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Emergency Room for Tia
Friday, November 25, 2011
More Thanksgiving Feasts
Of course what is great about Thanksgiving is the food. We get to eat lots of great food all week and most of the time, we don't have to prepare anything. I made chocolate covered strawberries for all of the gatherings which seemed to be a hit. We went down to Ste Genevieve for the day and Tia had a blast down there too. She had some toys to play with and she loved running around. She got to pet a kitty and watch some TV. She didn't want to leave here either.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tonight, we went over to Uncle Danny's and shared Thanksgiving with Chris's Mom, and his Aunt Jenny along with all the kids. Holidays are quite hard for us because we literally could go to 9 different places. So we focus on our parents first, then if we can make others, then we try. It is getting harder as our family grows. Tia loved Uncle Danny's house. It is like a Christmas wonderland where he has the entire house decked out in Christmas decor, villages, trees, etc. She just had a ball. Not to mention she got a lot of attention from her cousins.
She loved Evan and Brandon along with the dog Calaber. She just had a ball and did not want to leave.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ear Infection
Oh Sh!t
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tia is 23 Months
Friday, November 18, 2011
Yay Tia
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
7 Month Appt
Big Girl Bed
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Not a Morning Person
Monday, November 14, 2011
Letters from Santa
Believe it or not, Christmas is just around the corner!
You are receiving this email as a past supporter of the Mercy NICUPS (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Parent Support) fundraising campaign, Letters from Santa. I am writing to ask your help in passing along information to anyone and everyone you can think of so that we may continue to provide the families currently in our unit the support that can make all the difference in their struggles. The NICUPS are a volunteer organization which is funded entirely by donations and helps families by:
- Providing one-on-one emotional and educational support.
- Provide, free-of-charge, books and other educational materials.
- Having family classes and meetings.
- Financial assistance during crisis situations.
- Making available breast pumps, car seats, gas cards and other necessities as needed to those in need free of charge.
For those unfamiliar with this project, we generate a letter from Santa to a child(ren) of your choice (or adults and pets, too!), for a donation of $6 per letter. Last year, our small group of 35 graduate parents raised over $60,000 from the letters.
I'm emailing to let you know about the capability of our web site, www.miraclebaby.org to accept letter orders and contributions through the safe and secure Mercy processing center. And, since anyone, anywhere in the world can access the site and easily request a letter, we are asking for your help by passing along information about our site. We can also be found on Facebook as Mercy NICUPS! On our web site you will find information making it very easy to pass along this wonderful opportunity to help the families of the NICU while sending a special letter.
If you feel comfortable emailing family and friends who might be interested, if you are part of any online discussion groups, if you have neighborhood newsletters or workplace newsletters, either online or printed - these are just some ideas of ways to let others know.
Please visit the web site www.miraclebaby.org to contact the NICUPS and order your Letters from Santa.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and thank you in advance for any help you can offer!
Have a wonderful holiday season!
Scout Gibson
Fundraising Coordinator, NICUPS
Friday, November 11, 2011
On The Potty
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Teaching for Junior Acheivement

Today, on my birthday, Chris and I are going to be teaching for Junior Achievement. We will be teaching 2nd graders all day at Jefferson Elementary School, an inner city school here in St. Louis. This is something the staff at my organization does every year. This is my fourth year doing this. I invited Chris to help out this year and teach so he will also be helping. My co-worker Karry and I have done it every year together so Chris will be a great addition to our team. We are teaching on Our Community which talks about living and working in a community. What is neat about Junior Achievement is that it gets kids excited about business. So seeing business people, such and us, volunteering to teach gives them more hope that no matter what your background, they too can achieve big things. I love teaching for J.A. It is a long day and it really makes me appreciate teachers! Karry is going to teach the first two lessons, I'll be teaching the 2nd two, and Chris will teach the third. It will be neat. I'm excited to teach with Chris. Now that we have Tia and another baby on the way, we may have a deeper connection with these kids than if we were non-parents.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Tia's School Pics
Tia’s school pictures are in. She is 1 year and 10 months old in these.
You can order at: www.images4kids.com
Access Code: NKW5-14
Password: 26016
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Night Night Time
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Candy Witch
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Big Belly
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween was pretty good. It seemed like a light crowd compared to last year, but last year was on a weekend. I made some bags up with candy and some halloween toys. Tia enjoyed handing out the candy to the trick or treaters. Chris will laugh because I was calling them customers. Every time another kid would show up, I'd say 'here comes another customer' and Chris would crack up. Tia had some candy and she wore her Ladybug costume from last year. I can't believe she fit into it. Didn't she look adorable. Tia had a good Halloween!