One of the cutest words she says is 'Eeeeeeee' and she gets this super excited face too. She often will extend her arm pointing at the thing or place she is Eeeing about and will scream out Eeeeee. When she does this, Chris will usually say 'you are my mini-me' because Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies would say Eeee. Another thing she says is Da and Momma. When she wants something that is more nurturing, she'll say mommammma and which means she wants me. But when she is playing and she is having a ball, she'll scream out Da and that usually means she wants Dad. It is cute that she knows our names and knows sort of our roles to her too. When we watch baby Einstein, she has other words and sometimes it really does sound like she says the word. The other night, she sang 'E-I-E-I-O' and we even caught it on video and will have to post soon. We've noticed that if you say or sing something, she'll do the same. It will be super amazing once we start having conversations, but until then, I am enjoying her baby babble.

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