So for a couple months now, Tia has been walking a few steps, then falls into your arms or grabs hold of something close. We know she is virtually on the point of just walking on her own, confidently, but she just hasn't done it yet. We haven't pushed her into it because it is my belief that all kids will get there in their own time and so I just wanted her to come into her own when she was ready. On Saturday, she was walking along her play gate almost with no hands taking about 10 steps and every so often, she'd touch the wall. A lot of times, she'll be standing in one spot, she'll go all the way down and then back up...I call it, doing her yoga. Yesterday, at church, we were heading to pick up Tia from the nursery and what is super cool is they have tiny window so you can peak in to check on your children. So we went over to see her and we both looked in right as she was walking across the room towards one of the caretakers who had a plastic toy in her hand. She even grabbed the toy, turned around and then walked back the other way. It was one of the warm fuzzy mom feelings where you just know she is growing up. So the rest of the day, she was showing off her walking abilities and even this morning when I dropped her off at daycare, she instantly was wanting to walk. What is super cute is that she has a big ole gummy grin on her face because she is also proud she knows how to walk. Love it.

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