All I have to say is OMG! I know my little girl is 13 months old, but it just seems so weird at times. There are times when someone is holding Tia and I think 'aw, what an adorable baby....wait....that's MY baby' and then there are times when I see boxes that say '9+months recommended' and I think, 'Tia is not old enough...oh wait...she totally is'. I was dropping her off this morning and I'm telling you that she doesn't miss a beat. When I say over and over how analytical she is, I am not joking. My friends have always said how perceptive I am and how I don't miss anything, well, my mini-me is even worse. The kid is going to be very street smart! We got to her classroom and I pulled off her coat, gloves, and set them down next to her bag on the table. I also had her binkie in my hand. She leaned forward towards the table and I thought she wanted the binkie, but she didn't. Then she leaned again and I knew she didn't want her coat, gloves, or bag. The teacher said, 'it is that cheerio' and I looked closer and low and behold a tiny cheerio was in the middle of all of her stuff and so the teacher hid it. But Tia was smart enough to know what to do, she pointed to the high chair knowing that she'd get some cheerios. First, how did she see it..I even missed it. Second, the girl wants food all the time, the little piggie. Then when she was in her chair going to town on her cheerios, I leaned down and said, 'bye Tia, give mommy a kiss' and she leaned in and laid one on me. SO cute. We are also trying to hold out two more months to turn her car seats face forward. Her long legs hit the back of the seat and she is almost needing the legroom. Personally, I can't wait because I know she is bored to tears facing the seat and with her 'doesn't want to miss a thing' attitude, she'll love seeing where we are going, etc. But, all in all, my baby is getting big. I just love her so much and I am so thankful she picked me to be her mommy.

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