Every morning, we have the same routine. I get ready, get all of her school stuff packed up and bottles washed, then make her a bottle. I walk into her room and turn on the light. I grab the clothes I need, get everything put back in order. Most of the time, she slowly wakes up and honestly looks exactly like Chris with squinty eyes like the light is too bright, bed head, and very groggy. Once she realizes what is happening, she gets all excited and stands up in her crib or sits up. I pick her up and we are on our way to the living room. I lay her down on a pillow and give her the bottle. She will hold the bottle, while I take off all of her PJs, then I change her diaper. Even though she is holding her bottle, it is super cute that she wants to help mommy out. She will hold her feet straight up in the air while I change her diaper. When I grab her feet, she'll stick her foot out so I can put her sock on and then she does the same with the other. Once I have her pants on, I go to put her shirt on. She'll hold the bottle with one hand and help me put her other hand through her shirt and into the sleeve. I'm always very encouraging saying 'aw, you want to help mommy, don't you?' and of course I say thank you. She always gives me some big eyes back and sometimes she smiles. She even helps me put on her coat and gloves. If I put a hat on her, typically she'll take it off and try to put it back on. She is going to be one that wants to do everything herself, which will be super cute because it just shows how analytical she is. This morning at daycare, I put her on the floor standing up by herself to see if she'd walk. She gave me a funny look so I put my one index finger out. She grabbed it and held it just barely and walked all around. She is there and it is crazy that she is walking!!!! My big Girl.

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