I have to admit, Tia is usually pretty happy. She rarely cries and when she does cry it is because she wants something or she hurt herself and we can get it resolved pretty quickly. Other people have commented on how happy she is too. I do have to admit, she is a super happy baby with her cute little mannerisms and sounds. She loves playing and she loves directing you to take her places. In the morning, if Tia wakes up before her normal time of 6:00am, I usually will just let her fuss for a few minutes and she will go back to sleep. But this morning, at 5:15am, she was crying loudly. We didn't have the baby monitor on because honestly, the past several months, she has been in the same routine and hasn't needed us before it is time to get up for school. However, this morning, I could hear her crying from her room. Now, we have a fan and a humidifier going. Tia has a humidifier and a sound machine....but as many of you know, have super sonic hearing and yes it is a curse. So I can hear her wailing from the other room. I just rolled over and was going to give her some time to settle herself down, and normally, she just goes back to sleep. I just kept hearing her, so I got up and checked on her. She was standing up in her crib sobbing. I picked her up and asked her what was wrong and it took her a good 10 minutes to just catch her breath. I haven't cried like that in a very very long time, but I know that feeling of not being able to catch your breath after crying heavily. I just felt so bad for my baby girl. I didn't see any tears, but I could tell her eyes were a bit red. And normally, I can snap her out of a funk quickly by making her laugh or taking her to see her favorite pictures in the house, but I could tell she wasn't happy with me. I did my, 'give me five' and she just looked the other way. She was seriously giving me the silent treatment. I just felt so bad for her because I hadn't seen her like this in a very very long time. So we went and made her a bottle and then she was all happy. I changed her and got her ready for school. I put her in swing and put her favorite Baby Einstein DVD on and I was off to get ready. I was kissing her more than usual and I think she was catching on...I looked over and gave her a big smile and she gave me one back. I said 'that's my girl'. She is just a sweetheart and I hope she continues to remain a happy baby for the rest of her days...I think happy people enjoy life more and I definitely want her to enjoy her life!

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