Every time Tia does something, either Chris will say 'Just like mommy' or I'll say 'Just like daddy'...and of course we giggle because it was either cute or ornery. I admit that Chris is more of an affectionate person that I am, and I'm pretty affectionate. I think if we could be holding hands or hugging 24-7, Chris would be just fine with that. Me, on the other hand, I have sweaty hands or get uncomfortable when I get hot and so I tend to pull back or stop holding hands at that point. Of course, there are always situations when it doesn't matter if I'm hot or sweaty. Generally speaking though, I will shrug off Chris. Well, the other night Chris said he was hugging Tia and he hand his hands on her legs. He said, she gave him the same look that I do, put her hands on his and pushed them away. He said he even said out loud to her 'You ARE just like mommy'...'what are you hot too' and of course when he told me, we were both laughing. There are soooo many things that she does and I can see myself in her, but there are numerous things I see Chris's little personality too. I will say that her facial expressions to resemble me and Chris thinks so too. The wrinkled forehead when she is giving you a 'whatever' look...yep, that's like me. The many faces of Tia have a lot of similarity to me. However, I will say that when I get Tia up in the morning, she is just like her daddy. Squinty eyes, can't wake right up, very groggy, sort of groans...lol So when people say she is an exact mix of me and Chris, they are absolutely right. I know some kids favor one parent versus the other, but I will say that it is a sure toss up right now. I know our families have their own opinion, just like my dad and others will probably always think she favors our side and Chris's family will always say she favors theirs. But no one can dispute how stinkin cute she is! She just makes me smile every day and I am so thankful to God and Chris for such an amazing baby girl!

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