I have to take the blame on this one and admit that Tia got her Stinky feet from me. I look at her and see so much Chris (and I love that). I know the girl has my nose and her eyes are slowly starting to get more Asian like, but I love that she is a hybrid of us. I see so many kids that look exactly like one parent. Right now, it is a big toss up who she'll end up favoring because she has so many of each of our qualities. To me, it has always been a miracle when you see yourself in your children. But, ever since I started putting shoes on Tia for about two months now, when I take them off at night, her poor feet are sweaty and stinky. I do recognize the smell and I know that comes from me, and I get it from my dad, and so on. My dad is even proud of that fact...I guess he knows she's a legacy of his, even if it comes down to getting his stinky feet. I, of course, over the years have taken proper measures so I don't have stinky feet. I wear the right socks, my shoes are not that tight, and of course I wash them. The thing is, is that I have sweaty palms and sweaty feet. We could be in the dead of winter (we are right now) and my hands are clammy and my feet are moist. It is a trait I have not been that fond of because when shaking people's hands and playing sports...my hands are always a little damp. I can tell that Tia has the same thing going on and she'll see as she grows up how I deal with it and maybe she'll pick up a habit or two. All in all, the poor girl has some stinky feet. Last night, I took off her shoe and put her foot up to my nose and smelled and went 'peeee yewwww' and she just laughed. Then I had Chris do it. I think he about fell over too, lol. She's my little stinker!

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