Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pretty Nails

Tia gets special treatment when she goes to Aunt Jenny's house because AJ paints Tia's nails. Tia LOVES it and expects it now every time she goes. AJ even bought her some of her very own nail polish colors for Easter so now she can have pretty nails all of the time. This picture is so cute because she doesn't want to mess up her nails so she is holding the sippy cup with her palms and no fingers. She will walk around for hours with her hands out so they don't get messed up and she will blow on them so they get dry. I love it. Even days afterwards, she'll say 'pretty!' and of course I always agree, even when they are messed up here or there. The concept is the cutest because next to shoes, Tia is loving having her nails done. The other thing is lipstick. I don't wear lipstick and haven't for over 10 years mainly because I had my lips breakout in some weird peeling frenzy and it wouldn't stop. They looked horrible and hurt. It was caused because lipstick dries out my lips. So I wear Blistex Medex every day and have for years. I love it and it keeps my lips moist. Tia screams how much she wants some for her lips too and gets so excited when I put a tiny dab on her. I know she'll be a tomboy at some point, but at this point she is a super girly girl at it's best. I love it though!

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