Sunday, April 22, 2012

Movie Time

Now that we have two little girls, it is pretty hard for us to have any uninteruppted movie time at home. We do watch movies a lot, but usually Tia watches them with us and we are constantly getting up to get this or do that, put them to bed, feed Lexi, change one of them, etc. We manage though. Me, well, because of Lexi's night feedings, I go to bed as soon as I can which is 9 at best. Last night after going out to dinner with family, we decided to watch a movie. It was after 11 and I figured, why not! What was nice is I had a glass of wine and, you guessed it, Chris had a glass of milk with some chocolate. Those are our indulgances, mmmmm. I didn't make the whole movie but it was still nice to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together while the girls were both fast asleep.

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