Sunday, April 29, 2012

Going to MeeMaw's

Chris and I had a wedding to attend today and so the girls went to MeeMaw Kathi's today. They always have fun over there and it is nice to that we have an option for them to stay the night so we can enjoy our friends' celebrations from time to time. On the way to the reception, a tornado came through and golfball and softball sized hail came through with lots of wind. We barely missed getting hit by the storm. As we were driving to the reception, we could see a dark sky ahead and wondered what we were going to hit. We knew about it but were hoping we'd miss it. Luckily for us, we did. However, as we drove by the 15+ people who had moments before were plummeted with hail and strong winds. All of the cars had at least one window busted out, some had more. There were piles and piles of white hail on the side of the road and you could see damaged trees all around. It was definitely a site and we were blessed that we left when we did, dropped of Lexi's medicine, and two red box movies. Had we not done these last minute to-dos, we would have definitely been right in the middle of the storm. So scary!

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