Friday, April 6, 2012

2 Month Check-Up for Lexi

Today was Lexi's 2 month check-up. Her height is 22.5 inches which is in the 50th percentile. Her weight is 12 lbs 4 ozs which is in the 90 percentile (note that at her 1 month appointment she was at the 25 percentile). Her head is 39.5 cm which is in the 65th percentile. She looks great and her lungs and throat sounded great so no RSV. She does have a cold right now, but no fever. It just has to run its course. Doctor was happy with her progress saying that she is doing 3 month old level stuff. She had three shots too. Boy do I hate watching my baby girls cry in pain from the shots. I just feel like I'm betraying them when they give me that look of 'Mommy, help me', but I know that these immunizations are important. So all is good and she is doing great. I am so excited since she had a rough start, but my girls are fighters and I know they always pull through. She has been sleeping better meaning she isn't making as much noise as before. I think her gas problems are getting a bit better. She still doesn't sleep more than 3 hours, some times 4. I am sure this will change over time though. So happy she is doing great!

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