Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Double Ear Infections for Lexi

We went to the doctor today. They were happy I brought her in because she has an ear infection in both ears. She has a slight case of brochiolitis from when she previously had RSV and so she has lost her voice. I took off work to be with my baby. I just feel so bad for her. She sound horrible and her voice is just so sad. She screams out, but nothing comes out - it breaks my heart. We have some amoxicillin for her and we are doing some albutorol nebulizer treatments for the next 10 days. I hope my baby girl gets better. Doctor was just happy she didn't have any signs of RSV. They put something on her foot to test her and said that she is 100% oxygenating which is supposed to be great. So just some nasty ear infections. My poor baby! Lots of TLC from mommy today.

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