Friday, December 16, 2011

Does Tia have OCD Like Mommy

At Tia's birthday party a few things happened that were hysterical. The hysterical part is that they reminded me of things I do. One is when we gave her the veggie tray to see if she'd eat any and the veggies got all messed up. There was broccoli where the celery was supposed to be and tomatoes where the carrots should be. When we pulled it away because she obviously wasn't going to eat any of it, she pulls the tray down and organizes them accordingly. She put the celery stick back in the celery section and the broccoli back in the broccoli section and the tomato back in the tomato section. Everyone was watching in amazement and Leslie/Lisa said 'Wow, that is so Angie's daughter'. The other funny thing she did was telling Leslie that her camera was Mommy's. Leslie and I have the same Canon camera, but her lens is a bit longer. Tia was adamant with Leslie that she had Mommy's camera and she wouldn't let go of the strap and made Leslie bring it to me. It was hysterical. Tia has a great sense of things going in their spot. She knows where the trash goes, where the swifter goes when she is done with it, where her dirty close go, and when things aren't right, she fixes it. Um, can you say clone. Both Chris and I do these things and I can see she has picked this up. It is cute but I hope she doesn't get as OCD as I can sometimes or like Chris can on his things. Guess we'll see. Regardless, she has her little personality that is just so darn sweet. I love seeing her grow up and see more and more of her personality. Only 3 more days until she is 2. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Too funny! I have always wondered if OCD runs in the family. I can't seem to find any of my relatives with it, but somehow I am.
