Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our Little Lexi

So we decided to name our little bun in the oven Lexi. We made our big announcement of her name on our Christmas cards that went out last week. We have known for quite some time we wanted to name our 2nd little girl Lexi, but we were waiting to figure out what her middle name would be before we told anyone. Then, we also wanted to tell people fairly so the family would all find out at the same time, so what better than the Christmas card. It is so hard when our family spans four generations and is as wide as can be. We came up with Lexi more on a fluke than a true suggestion. I have always liked the name Lexi from when I heard an old friend call his sister that as a nickname, although now I think he was calling her Lexa but some how I only remembered Lexi. My coworker named her daughter Alexa and I was thinking Lexi wouldn't be good because she called her daughter Lexa and then we'd have a Lexi - but when I told Chris that, he didn't seem to care about all of my reasons why it shouldn't be a good name - he just loved the ring to it and also how it went really good with Tia. Then I said, we'll lets put that as our favorite for now until we figure something else out. Originally, we were thinking Adriana Mia would be her name. Mia because Chris always liked it and Adriana Mia because it was my first cabbage patch doll and for some reason the Italian ring to it just seemed to work. But once we said the name Lexi, it really overpowered Adriana Mia...and for a few months, we'd call my belly Lexi and it just stuck. You know how you buy a new car and then you notice that that same car is everywhere and you always wonder why you never noticed? Well, that is the way it is with Lexi. I don't know a single Lexi and either does Chris. We were at church and the girl who checked her daughter in before us left the name on the screen and low and behold, her daughter's name was Lexi. Then in the Thirty-One catalog, on one of the bags appeared the name Lexi. Then someone told me that there is a TV show character on Grey's Anatomy and another Soap show. But, really we are just so excited and we love the ring to it. So our soon-to-be baby is Lexi!

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