Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No More Superbowl Baby

Baby #2 is due on Superbowl Sunday, which is February 5th, 2012. However, after my doctor's appointment, it looks like I'll have her on February 1st or earlier. My doc is headed out of town on February 2nd and he gave me the option to just wait and see what happens which means if I went around my due date, he won't be around to make the catch during delivery OR let him induce me a few days to a week early. I'm going for the week early route. I am sure I'll be more than ready then. So she may not be a February baby after all, we'll just have to wait and see. Plus, you never know - I could go extra early which many people are predicting because of how low this baby sits. My doctor said the reason is my body shape. I have a very short torso and she is head down, so there is more pressure further down. With Tia she was so high, but was breach up until the very end. Everything looks good though and after a couple weeks, I'll be going every single week to the doctor including one week to get my last ultrasound. I can't believe I'm in the home stretch and now even closer with possibly being induced. I'm so excited to meet her. I know she'll be so beautiful and we'll be so blessed with another little miracle!

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