Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tia's First Haircut

Tia didn't have much hair until she turned 1 and a half, but then she started to get more all the way around. She had the mullet thing going on for a bit, but then her bangs started to come in too. Recently though, her bangs have grown and been in her eyes. She has been shaking her head to get them out from time to time. I wondered how I would cut her hair and at first I thought I'd do it when she was sleeping, but who was I kidding. I am 8 months pregnant and I seem to go to bed at the same time as Tia does. So I just decided tonight that I'd just do it while she was sitting in her high chair distracted by food and Barney. So I did it. I just took her bangs. Pulled her bangs up in my hands and cut away. I didn't take off that much, but enough for her to be able to see. This past weekend, I was at hobby lobby and saw the cutest little pink boxes that said 'First Tooth' and 'First Haircut'. I bought one for each of my girls. So I used Tia's First Haircut box and wrote on the bottom to put the date. Perfect!

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