Friday, December 23, 2011

Tia has another Ear Infection

The poor girl is back to square one when she was a few months old. One tube has fallen out and the other is on the verge. She has already had an ear infection around Thanksgiving, and now again another one. She is back on antibiotics and the diarrhea has started up again. The poor child can't catch a break. She went to the doctor yesterday for her 2 year check up and of course she got shots too. Doctor said she is more emotional than most kids her age in reaction to the doctor's office and getting shots. And YES, she is our little emotional, wear her heart on her sleeve, sensitive, little girl...can't blame her since her mommy and daddy are both the sensitive types. She is 32 3/4 long and 24 lbs 15 oz heavy, which are both in the 30%. Her head is still in the 75%. She tested at a 2 years and 4 month old which is great. Overall she is doing great and we'll most likely have her get an allergy test so we know what she is allergic too. She seems to have picked up the allergy gene from her daddy. But as we all know this St. Louis weather does not help!

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