So we've known for a while that we were going to have to start getting rid of Tia's binkie habit. We just got into a habit of letting her have it when she wanted it. She called it KiKi and she loves that thing. She needs it to go to bed, to nap, and to ride in the car. Besides that she can usually do without. Last week, Lisa watched Tia for us when I had my work event and she didn't realize that Tia still had a binkie habit. Tia was excessively tired and of course it was past her bed time, Lisa was able to distract her with some music and get her down without a binkie. I remember when we got home from our event after Lisa left...we went into see her. I noticed right away that she didn't have a binkie and I looked all around for one and couldn't find one in her crib. We both had amazed faces as if 'no way did she go to bed without one'. With us, she calls out immediately 'kiki' at bedtime. It is part of the ritual. So we knew there was hope thanks to Aunt Liza! So we picked this week to really try hard to rid the binkie or at least start. I have been working on it in the car rides and we were making progress slowly but surely. I decided to get some of her favorite nursery rhyme music for the car to try to distract her and yesterday we set out without the binkie. She was calling for it the minute I put the car into reverse and she seriously called out for it the entire way. I put the music on and she would get distracted but then she'd call out for it. It normally takes about half an hour to get to daycare and some how, we made it the entire way. I could not believe it. It was a bit emotionally draining because she cried out a few times in desperation, but I held strong. I told her teachers of our mission and they vowed to help. When I picked her up from daycare, her teacher said 'she cried out for it at nap time, but we held strong and didn't give it to her....we patted her on the back and eventually she went to sleep'. I think I had tears of joy in my exciting. So all the way home she called out for it, but I held strong again and we made it home even though traffic made it a 45 minute trip. Chris said 'should we try it at bed time' and I know we were both thinking it would be impossible, but Chris said 'if Lisa can do it..then...' and so we tried. She cried out for it many times and so many moments we wanted to run to her aid, but we didn't. She cried out several times and every time we just hated hearing her, but after about 20 minutes, she was out. She never broke into a full out cry or else we would have gave in, but rather she just whined for it so we held strong, yet again. When she woke up this morning with no binkie, I was just so excited...over 24 hours straight with no binkie - what an accomplishment! I did it again this morning on the drive and she asked for it right at first and then about mid-way 'Kiki...Kiki...kiki...' in a demanding voice. I just ignored her and switched her songs to distract her. She had her favorite teddy bear and her blankie, so she was quite distracted. We made it again - wfew! I told the teachers and they know the hopefully this is a good sign! Rough times ahead, but I have a lot of hope! yay!

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