I remember when I heard the Barney song for the first time about 10 years ago. 'I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too'. Now it has come full circle because we hear it quite often in our household with Tia's DVDs. What is super cute is that she is at that singing stage where she dances and sings the songs. Most of the time, she is just sort of mumbling along but we started singing the Barney song over and over and she has the first two lines of the song down pat. It is soooo cute to hear her sing 'I love you, you love me..' and the rest she is still getting a word or two here and there. But she is so cute. I'm going to work on her this week to see if she can learn the rest of the song. She can count to 5 and say about 50 works including several full sentences, so why not learn an entire song, right? If you hear her sing it, it will melt your heart!

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