I have to admit that I'm pretty stoked about Tia not having her binkie the last few days. She is going on day 4 and she has been doing great with it. I thought the hard part would be her going to bed without her binkie, but it has been in the car when she is awake. Although, I have to admit that Chris puts her to bed almost every night and he seems to have done a great job at getting her down without it. Every now and then we can hear her crying for her kiki, but we stay strong, although it is hard because we just want to go running in there to scoop her up. We just look at each other and say '5 minutes' and usually she has gone to bed. This morning she was up awfully early and crying for a while. I figured she'd go back to bed, but she never did. Chris brought her in with us (first time) and she snuggled up next to me and went back to sleep. I have to admit, it was pretty sweet having her right there. It reminded me of her newborn days when she was all swaddled up. The car rides have been the worst although not too terrible. Probably harder for Chris on the way home because I have nursery rhymes playing in my car in the morning now. She isn't totally into the songs except when she hears Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald, and Row Row Row Your Boat to which she sings and it is the sweetest! She'll cry out for Kiki often, but it seems to be less each time. So as we go into the weekend, we've already told Katma about our efforts and we hope she sticks to her guns too. If we make it through next week, I think I am condident there will be no more binkie for Tia - yay! Then onto potty training!!!!! Tia LOVES sitting on her little potty, but she obviously doesn't know all the logistics yet...daycare is working on it and we have been a bit here too. I know that is the negative of us working all day - we can't really dedicate to potty training as much. We hope it doesn't take too long! Regardless, I just can't believe how big Tia is now! So Big!

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