We had our 20 week appointment yesterday and we found out we are having another little girl in the Norris household. Boy is Chris going to have a lot of drama on his hands! We were excited to find out and plan for her arrival. We didn't have a preference on a boy or a girl, as we plan to try for another in a couple years. But hey, if we end up with 3 girls down the road, then Chris will have a lot of daddy's little girls on his hands. He did say he is going to have to load up on some baseball bats and scare tactics for all these boys that are going to be knocking down the door soon. Tia already has a boyfriend at school. In fact, when she could barely hold her head up while laying on her belly, I saw them kiss. His name is Vinny (Vincent) and his parents told school that all he talks about is Tia at home. They said that every dinner he says 'Tia this...Tia that' and when I drop her off, he runs over and says hi Tia, etc. Tia acts like the typical Gen Y girl and looks like she has an annoyed face and is wanting to say 'give me my space', but he just follows her around. I think it is super cute, but I wonder if this is the way it will be for her? Or perhaps the other way around. I was an ugly duckling until mid-high school and I just pined over crushes for years but never had any boyfriends. It humbled me to say the least and makes me appreciate the solid and true relationships with my husband and friends now. So our little bun in the oven is going to be a little sister to Tia. Practically speaking, we have all the girl stuff! They can share a room and hopefully 'share' toys. OR will they be like my beloved nieces, Juliean and Janelle, who fight like cats and dogs over every thing. We have to buy 2 of everything for them. I guess we'll see. I have heard so many people tell me that the have and always have been best friends with their sisters that are a couple years ahead/behind...I hope my girls will be the same way. Some of my coworkers are not convinced the baby is a girl by looking at the Gender picture. I did some research last night and it was pretty obvious the boys from the girls, so I'm leaning towards the Sonographer being accurate! But don't worry, we'll have a boy name picked out just in case!

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