Tia falls into the Generation Z category, also known as the Net Generation. My parents fall into the Baby Boomer category, I fall into the Generation X category, and right now the ones coming out of high school and college are the Generation Y kids also known as the Millennials. Chris said it best the other day when we were talking about technology and how these kids are so much more advanced than we ever were. I didn't have email until I got into college and we had to stand in line for a computer at the library to even check it. It looked like a dos prompt. I got a cell phone after college and it was a shoe phone that only called out. It wasn't until I was about 25 that I was able to text for the first time, but it wasn't an easy task and many others couldn't so it was almost pointless. It really wasn't until I hit 30 that text messaging was a common way to communicate and then shortly after getting email and internet on my phone was habit. So when Chris said 'I really don't want to get older and feel like my parents and grandparents did about technology when our kids get to be our age'...you all know how that is. Someone in your parents or grandparents age need to know how to send an email or better yet, how to turn on the computer. Chris and I are both extremely technical, but it wouldn't surprise me if we get to be 50 or 60 and we have to ask our kids how to do something that is new and progressive. We are doing our best to stay ahead of the curve! Tia loves our iPad. I got it last year for my birthday from some loved ones and we love it. Chris and I watch shows on there, check email, sometimes play a game or two, or just surf the net. It is an amazing, convenient tool. Well, Tia has been into it as well. I put a few games on there to see if she'd be able to play and surprisingly, she is a wiz. The girl knows how to turn the iPad on, turn it off, move her finger to scan from page to page, open the game she wants, perform each game, get out of each game and go to the next, and figure out things. In fact, I watched her on this one that has a pop up that says 'download premium version' or 'play again' and she knows which one is the one that brings her back to play again. I was just amazed. She is only 1 and knows more about technology than I ever did at 10. Amazing and it is only going to get better for them. . My joke is that these kids will be brainiacs, but all be wearing glasses because all they do is watch TV and play video games on their hand-held devices.

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